Monday 6 January 2014

Wannabe Knitter

I'm poorly- probably for the first time in about a year I'm actually properly- writing out my will- poorly- with tonsillitis (surely grown women can't get this still, I remember it the disease of children...bah!!). The first time I get this and It has to be right at the start of the new year when I want to go out and exercise, diet and try new things- except i'm stuck inside, living on a diet of strepsils, lemsip and cups of tea and making my way through netflix. I've already managed to get through 2 seasons of game of thrones in a weekend and developed a small crush on Jon snow.

Yes please...
 So despite not being able to go out and i'm getting tired just walking to the bathroom I'm devoting my time to a new found hobby of knitting. I'm currently at the beginning of a big project in knitting a patchwork blanket, which is quite simple and involves basically knitting squares and sewing them together which is rather boring.

I've self- learnt knitting through various you tube videos, I find it very rewarding and therapeutic however do find it's a craft not best for those who are at the opposite spectrum of perfectionist. My latest project (a scarf for my mum) was riddled with holes. I termed the phrase 'rustic' to make up for it!

Whilst I'm currently on my deathbed I've decided to learn to cable knit in the next hour. I've found a number of articles to help...

One shall post her results here shortly....wish me luck!

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